Thursday, June 22, 2006

Wild Horses Become Part of the U.S. Marines

Wild Horses Become Part of the U.S. Marines
Carson City

Former wild Nevada horses are now the newest members of the Mounted Color Guard, based at Barstow, California.

The horses were trained by state inmates of the Warm Springs Correctional Facility in Carson City, and handed over during a ceremony on Saturday. Fifteen additional horses were also there, up for public adoption.

The training procedure is a special tradition between the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Marine Corps., dating back two decades.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Sale of wild horses for slaughter stopped by House Vote

Victory for wild horses with House vote
For those of you that love wild horses:

The House directed the Interior Deprtment on Thursday to halt the sale of wild horses for slaughter, saying that was not the purpose of the program that makes the horses and burros available for adoption.

full story:

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

call to action to save wild horses

I received this email and feel I should post for others to review and respond to this call to action to save wild horses

Dear Friends of Wild Horses,

We have another opportunity to stop the slaughter of 8,200 wild horses awaiting their fate in BLM holding facilities. The U.S. House of Representatives will be voting on an amendment introduced by Representative Nick Rahall (D-WV) on May 18th - Thursday that will prohibit your tax dollars from being used to send wild horses to slaughter. This amendment will be attached to the House Interior Appropriations Bill.

It was just one year ago that an identical Rahall amendment passed overwhelmingly in the House but was sabotaged by Senator Burns in the Senate Conferee Committee. Senator Burns was the one who introduced the stealth amendment in 2004 allowing the unprecedented change in the 1971 Wild Horses and Burros Act granting BLM "sale authority" of animals over the age of ten and those horses who fail three adoptions. This amendment was in direct opposition to the intent of the 1971 law - that no wild horse or burro should ever again be slaughtered.

Please call your Representative immediately - CAPITOL HILL OPERATOR - (202) 224-3121 (To find your Rep - )
Ask your Representative to vote for the Rahall Interior Appropriations Amendment that will stop your tax dollars from funding wild horse slaughter
Please send this to as many people on your E-mail list as possible
To find out how your Representative voted LAST YEAR (listed below and follow directions)
Please let us know if you have made the call -
It is critically important that you take the time to call and help us end wild horse slaughter. We thank you so very much for your efforts.

Click on your state below and then go to Vote Totals and then click "by state."

State Yes No Not Voting
Alabama 4 3 0
Alaska 0 0 1
Arizona 4 4 0
Arkansas 3 1 0
California 34 16 3
Colorado 2 4 1
Connecticut 2 1 2
Delaware 1 0 0
Florida 14 11 0
Georgia 6 5 2
Hawaii 1 1 0
Idaho 0 2 0
Illinois 15 3 0
Indiana 4 5 0
Iowa 0 4 1
Kansas 1 3 0
Kentucky 1 5 0
Louisiana 1 6 0
Maine 2 0 0
Maryland 7 1 0
Massachusetts 8 0 2
Michigan 10 5 0
Minnesota 3 5 0
Mississippi 2 2 0
Missouri 3 5 1
Montana 0 1 0
Nebraska 0 3 0
Nevada 1 2 0
New Hampshire 2 0 0
New Jersey 12 1 0
New Mexico 2 1 0
New York 27 2 0
North Carolina 7 6 0
North Dakota 0 1 0
Ohio 7 7 3
Oklahoma 0 4 1
Oregon 4 1 0
Pennsylvania 14 4 1
Rhode Island 2 0 0
South Carolina 2 4 0
South Dakota 1 0 0
Tennessee 6 3 0
Texas 13 13 6
Utah 0 3 0
Vermont 1 0 0
Virginia 6 4 1
Washington 6 3 0
West Virginia 3 0 0
Wisconsin 5 3 0
Wyoming 0 1 0
Total 249 159 25

© 2006 The Washington Post Company

Karen A. Sussman
President, ISPMB
PO Box 55
Lantry, SD 57636
Tel: 605.964.6866
Cell: 605.365.6991
Saving America's Wild Horses & Burros since 1960

Become a member of ISPMB today!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

wild horses in New Zealand

Kaimanawa Wild Horse Preservation Society Inc. (KWHPS) is responsible for all public placements of wild horses that have been captured during the annual muster that is conducted by the Department of Conservation (DOC) in New Zealand

Homes are being sought for Kaimanawa wild horses, ahead of the Department of Conservation's annual muster.

The Kaimanawa Wild Horse Preservation Society (KWHPS) wants people interested in taking home a horse from the muster in June, to apply.

KWHPS president Kathy Asplet said the horses made excellent pets and work animals.

"They are very good for any discipline, for pony clubs, horse trekking, A and P shows, as farm horses or riding for the disabled. They are really proving themselves."
full info:,2106,3661525a11,00.html

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Poem to Wild Horses

Craig Carpenter Downer championing the plight of wild horses- wrote the following poem, published in "Streams of the Soul," while walking in a Nevada desert:

Poem to Wild Horses

I write a poem

about the wild horse,

'cause there's a lot of feeling here,

albeit much long suffering

and abuse by man - most gruesome!

... Yet, too, vast wide-open spaces,

and MANY lives lived out

with Grace and in Joyful Freedom!

-T'is a saga of the Old West

- and I believe the New -

this story of the wild horse,

this enduring, wind-drinking

runner of desert and plain,

as - Alas!- of very Time!

His story is one with yours and mine.

May he reach far upon this Earth Plane!

For 't is a saga of what this Land is yet to be,

of a Destiny yet unfulfilled,

when Man and Horse in Freedom live

once again with mutual Respect.
full story -

Sunday, January 01, 2006

24,500 wild horses and burros in holding facilities

Romance meets reality

The Denver Post Saturday, December 31, 2005

DOVE CREEK, Colo. - The notion of wild horses roaming the American West might be more a national delusion than a reality.

Almost 35 years ago Congress proclaimed that the West's wild horses were an American treasure. It passed a law in 1971 to protect them from slaughter.

But the realities of the Bureau of Land Management wild horse and burro program are different from the romantic images painted then by Congress and still held by many Americans.

Because for the roughly 32,000 wild horses and burros roaming the range in 10 Western states, there were, by October of this year, 24,500 wild horses and burros in holding facilities.

Of last year's BLM wild horse and burro budget of $39.6 million, more than half, $20.1 million, was spent to keep the animals off the range and in these holding facilities.

full story